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Sunday, November 15, 2009

First Blog!!

September 15,2009 now I have offically made my blog...about time huh?? Yeah I know...well how can I start with things... hmmm?? For those of you who do not know me....

My name is Amile Waters and I am an adult actress who wants to crossover while pursing my dreams of becoming an OB/GYN....crazy huh?? 24 years old and living on my own. Yeah I know....too much!! On top of everything else, I am an, if you don't like it....their is always an exit button to click on.

I did my first film at the age of 21....I will never forget my first co-star(s); Mr. Marcus and Maui Kane..I was a little nervous but Marcus is one of the most kindest people I have ever met.

Hmmm....Marcus....ok! Had a daydream going on.
Anyway, I have been doing films for about 2 years now... Ive met some people in my life I never dreamed of even knowing my name....I can admit I dated a few celebs...but I diegress...this is not what I am here on Blogger for.

I took the drastic change of the move from sunny LA to Atlanta GA...I know totally backwards(DONT JUDGE ME!! =0[ ) I am now attending med school out here, but still travel back and forth for shoots and features. Its wierd with the traveling but anything to not really focus of the loss of my mom....she passed away 6 mos ago and it is been really hard for me to deal with.

But let me get some things straight with you guys... some things you may read here may offend some or all...but that is what this is: HONEST and most of all REAL and completely me. I've loved and have lost....Ive seen and been through things women or men, older than me have not yet experience. I've lived in different countries all over the world, while some of my friends haven't been close to leaving the US. (THANKS TO MY PARENTS BEING IN THE MILITARY!!) This is me, flaws and all...enjoy!!!


PS Oh, by the way...I also have a twitter!!! Follow me if you like: