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Somethin' To Rock To!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Getting Homesick For the Holidays!!!

Well, the holidays are coming soon and fast...I just hope that it doesn't hit me too hard!! My mother just recently passed in April and my father passed not too long ago...but things are going to be better for me...I've been asked by fans what are my plans....reality looks like I might go back to LA and just chilll out!! I really need to!! I like Atlanta...but its not Texas...and definatly not LA....

God I miss those days...can't do that where in ATL...but I am naked in this pic..just only see half of my naked body on here [on the right]!!!

So what are you guys doing for the holidays??? Staying with family or giving yourself a vacation?? I would like to hear your thoughts or plans...maybe take some of the advice for myself.

Anywho, I finally have the most amazing mail....a artist named Kulterasia...sent me a AWSOMENESS (yeah made a new word....don't jack my swag..LMAO..!!) drawing:

Sooo awesome right??

He drew it from this pic:

Never knew I looked Asian to some people...SMH!!

Well...Im literally naked writing this blog....time for some sleep...a girl like me needs all the beauty rest she can get...LOL

Until Next time you sexy beast!!
