I am soo tired lately of feeling betrayed or lied to. I know many of you feel the same way about someone. Lately, I am in confusion on whether or not, the ones who are closest to me at this moment, are taking my kindness for weakness. Hey! As I was under their roof,paid some money, while looking for a home for myself, bought food for the fridge, even cleaned after them and myself....so why is it that when I return the favor(because a grown ass man doesnt have prioties so they lost their home)...I get nothing but lies....YOU SACK OF SHIT!! I am done...Im too young for this, yet too old to even give a fuck!! You claimed to be in a Entrepreneur, but you are producing absoulutly NOTHING but an excuse...and you claim that YOU'RE an adult!!! FUCK OFF and JUMP A CLIFF BITCH!!
Whew!! Glad that came off my chest..I am just soo angry at this shit...it was either blog about it...or call MTV's True Life producers to have them exposed...HHHMMMM?? Might do that anyway.
So, to help you guys out with shuffling out bastards like these in your life....I have some tips for you: (ENJOY!!)
Liar Move #1
Liar Move: S/He wraps his ankle around the leg of a chair.
Busted: "Pulling off a lie is stressful, so when a guy/gal is masking the truth, their body will tense up," says body-language expert Janine Driver. "As a result, s/he'll take a more rigid stance. This is also a subconscious sign of restraint. It's like he's physically fighting to hold back from telling the whole story."
Liar Move #2: S/He suddenly puts his/her hands in his/her pockets.
Busted: "Showing his/er palms indicates comfort and openness, so when s/he's lying, s/he'll instinctively feel the need to conceal them," He may also hide his hands behind his back or occupy them by fidgeting with an object, like his cell phone.
Liar Move: S/He shrugs one or both shoulders.
Busted: "Watch out if he does this while saying a definitive statement, like 'I didn't sleep with her,'" says Driver. "The shrug is his way of canceling out the untruth, much like crossing his fingers behind his back, except he's unaware of the motion. It's also his subconscious way of not committing to the lie and avoiding guilt."
Liar Move: S/He uses her/his index finger to rub just underneath his/er nose.
Busted: "This sign is usually exhibited by men (some women) who don't typically lie, so they feel remorse," says Wood. "Immediately after he speaks, he'll touch his face in a way that slightly hides his mouth. It's as though he can't believe what just came out of there."
Well I gotta go!! Hope it was helpful...I need a drink....is it "HAPPY HOUR" yet???

This is not talking about my roomie in anyway...she is not who I am speaking of....THE PERSON KNOWS WHO THEY ARE Got a prob about this? You should be glad I didn't say your name...YOU KNOW WHERE TO FIND ME!!!