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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ask Amile: 10 Signs You Should Unfollow Someone On Facebook

Dear Amile
I have been on Facebook since it was only available to college students. Lately, I accepted a few people and they always seem like they know when exactly I am online....everything I post they comment. I even have one particular female who my sorors states she looks at my profile all the time. One particular incident I went by her home and saw her laptop up. It was on my photo album (which she has commented on every picture of mine)!!! I dont know what to do! PLEASE HELP.

Samatha A. Washington DC

Ditching your B-list online pals has become such a huge pastime that the New Oxford American Dictionary officially named unfriend the “It” word of 2009. If you haven’t already jumped on this bandwagon, I’ve ID’d the reasons it’s time to kick some so-called friends out of your social-networking life. And another thing....keep an eye on young lady stalker over there. I have been there and done that...only thing is YOU CAN DO SOMETHING TO SHUT OUT CRAZY PEOPLE IMMEDIATELY!!

1. She’s a firm believer that you can learn a lot about your health from your poop — and has the status updates to prove it.

2. You’ve only met him/her once but he “likes” everything you do on Facebook. Uh, stalk much?

3. You’re pretty sure she doesn't wear her dress and veil every day, but the girl can’t stop posting pics from her wedding two years ago.

4. S/He changed  relationship status to single instead of breaking up with you in person.

5. One word: Farmville.

6. She might not be on The Biggest Loser but for some reason she wants the entire world to know what she had for lunch, how many miles she just ran, and when she is sweating it out at the gym.

7. She has a photo album of your days as a teen beauty pageant queen, a scanner, and a passion for tagging.


9. “So-and-So added you as a friend on Facebook” is the most you’ve heard from him in 10 years. Now that you’ve accepted the request you still haven’t connected.

10. You call her Mom.

Hope this help. Have a great week!!

Amile W.

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