There was alot of things that have happened in my life throughout the past year. I have lost both of my parents within the last 2 years and it still hurts to this very day. I am sick of people trying to take my kindness as somewhat of a weakness. (Such as a certain man named MICH WHICH EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW SKELETONZ INC. IS A BUNCH OF HORSESHIT!!)
It has only lead to anxiety attacks and ulcers....which is now being treated as we speak. While on my journey to Atlanta from LA, I met some people who I would never have the opportunity to even know me, yet help me through troubles that I have yet faced this year, as the ones I trusted on might as well not have known who I was in the first place.
Sometimes I wonder if I was light-skinned if thing would have changed. Being an Afro-Latina is hard, I was born in Mayari, Cuba....bur doesnt even well-liked knowing as I am just as brown as the natives there???
My birth father did not want to be a part of my twin sis and my life....but a real man step in..(my stepfather, Rolando Ramirez) ..and I consider him to this day as my DAD. For all you fathers' that might as well take to heed, of these you see in media as being the "AMERICAN DREAM" , yet abandon of what is of an importance to you...look hard....look at what can happen in the near future. I am a product of what happens of a parent of abandonment. I do not know my birth-father well. Yet my step-father is who I consider my dad. In the 1980s....a man who sees a woman with children was such a taboo back then, yet he took us as his own. SO bottom line is I am at lost of losing the only man that I see as an example of what A TRUE MAN IS....but also hurting everyday knowing my mother is gone as well. I am thankful knowing I have true friends and family that see past of the glamour and glitz of what is somewhat of is apart of my life....
Look folks, just because someone is in PORN...does not mean we do not have souls. Some of these bitches have the nerve to call themselves a PORNSTAR yet only hav eno more than 10 scenes under their belts. I can be a WOMAN and say that I have done some things that made me ashamed....but not afraid to tell. I have to understand that their is someone , some girl that is looking at me. LOOKING UP!! Only thing I can is be me. Be confortable in my own skin. SO ERMA and ROLANDO BRAND-CHACON/RAMERIEZ ...I miss you guys...and 2010 is my time. Fuck everything... TIME FOR ME TO SHINE!!
< xoxo